Dianne grew up with the struggles of being the oldest of 4 children with only 1 parent working outside the home. Those stresses fueled her ambition to graduate school early and join the Marine Corps to ease the financial strain at home and become independent. That work ethic paved the way for a rewarding, 20-year career in the Marine Corps where she met her husband and gave birth to 3 beloved young men. Retirement brought the opportunity to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Management while working full-time as a wife, and mother.
When the more difficult challenges of marriage, parenting and a wrong career choice revealed the underlying rage associated with Military Sexual Trauma, her life took a new direction after participating in the Healing Warrior Hearts Program (HWH) at the Center for Creative Learning. This program released her from years of shame and blame, and helped her take charge of her future. She resigned from her place of business to take care of herself and focus on her marriage and the young men that would soon be leaving her home. The Taking it Lightly Course at the Center helped her find a new aliveness and manage her emotions.
Grateful for each of the many programs she's participated in at the Center, she is a volunteer staff member for most weekends offered there. Passionate about encouraging others to find their healing through the Healing Warrior Hearts and Taking it Lightly Programs, she became a Board Member of the Starfish Foundation that provides promotion and fundraising.
Living an abundant life now, she enjoys photography and the outdoors! She works part time as a Cutco at Home Specialist where she sets her own schedule of parties that can also be used to raise money for the Healing Warrior Hearts Program.
Her goal is to remind people that they matter and that they too can create a life of happiness and meaning!