Healing Warrior Hearts is sponsored in Wisconsin by The Starfish Foundation.
Healing Warrior Hearts in Texas is sponsored by Texas for Heroes.
How to Support Healing Warrior Hearts in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, Healing Warrior Hearts is sponsored by the Starfish Foundation.
The easiest way to support our work through the Starfish Foundation is to become a member. Your $25 annual contribution will help cover our administrative expenses (all the work is done by volunteers) so we can use other donations for scholarships and sponsorships. Over 95% of Foundation income goes directly to programming! You will receive notifications of the Foundation's events and are invited to attend board meetings. You are welcome to volunteer for fundraising events and administrative tasks.
Adopt a Heart

The Starfish Foundation's Adopt a Heart program allows you to provide a full scholarship to veterans and family. If you would like, your donation can be revealed to the recipient or you may make your donation anonymously. Weekend seminars cost an average of $500. Those who are hurting emotionally can very often be those who are hurting financially. Your sponsorship is the beginning to help them help themselves.
Adopt a Heart, help it to heal, and make the world a safer place for us all.
Legacy Giving

A charitable bequest is the simplest form of legacy giving. In your will, you can specify a particular asset, a fixed dollar amount, or designate a percentage of your estate, or the remainder of your estate after all other bequests have been fulfilled, to go to the Starfish Foundation.
Your gift will help bring to those who cannot financially afford the opportunity, the ability to participate in emotional healing programs, such as Taking It Lightly, Renewal for Sexual Abuse Survivors, Healing Warrior Hearts, and similar workshops and seminars. By providing this financial assistance, the Foundation and its donors provide the resources to assist emotional trauma survivors to liberate their grief, rage and shame, and allow joy to return to their lives.
For many, the largest gift of a lifetime may come only through their estate plan. Please consider including the Starfish Foundation as part of your legacy.
The Starfish Foundation does not provide tax or legal advice and the information herein is not intended as legal, tax, or investment advice. Please contact a tax advisor or an estate-planning attorney for information specific to your situation.